We've added a few features to make the Soup people feel more at home.

  • /everyone - A new "/everyone" page has been added that shows the most recent things posted to any blog here on Loforo
  • New Post buttons - To make it easier to post images, quotes and links, we've now added dedicated buttons right below the "Create Post" page -- just 1-click to add any of those formatted nicely into your post
  • Improved styling on the blog pages. We've tweaked the default style on user-blogs and assigned default header images. You can change the header photos from the Settings page

We have lots more stuff in the works including more customization/theme options for your site (including full control over the CSS), post "likes", commenting ("reactions"), and reblog / repost.

There's a lot more in the works but if theres something we're missing, let us know!